
Kudos (in no particular order)

We make use of open-source software and integrate many public data sources, mainly:

To the Geth team whose code Erigon is based on.

To the Erigon team that made it possible for regular humans to run an archive node on a retail laptop. Also, they have been very helpful explaining Erigon's internals which made the Otterscan modifications possible.

To the Test in Prod team that made OP-Erigon. Their effort made it possible to run Otterscan against any Optimism Superchain.

To the mdbx team which created the blazingly fast database that empowers Erigon.

To Trust Wallet who sponsors and makes available their icons under a permissive license.

To the owners of the 4bytes repository that we import and use to translate method selectors to human-friendly strings.

To Sourcify, a public, decentralized source code and metadata verification service.

To Ethers, which is the client library we used to interact with the Erigon node. It is high-level enough to hide most JSON-RPC particularities but flexible enough to allow for easy interaction with custom methods.