ots2 namespace spec

These are the docs for the experimental Otterscan v2 APIs. For Otterscan 1 APIs docs, click here.

All those methods are subjected to be changed during Otterscan 2 alpha period, so we didn't put much effort into documenting them yet.

They are briefly described here so you can have a glimpse of what we aim to for future versions of Otterscan.

There may be more methods added, removed, merged, etc.

Method summary

All methods are prefixed with the ots2_ namespace in order to make it clear it is vendor-specific and there is no name clash with other same-name implementations.

ots2_getAllContractsListGets a paginated list of deployed contracts.
ots2_getAllContractsCountGets the total count of deployed contracts.
ots2_getERC20ListGets a paginated list of ERC20 contracts.
ots2_getERC20CountGets the total count of ERC20 contracts.
ots2_getERC721ListGets a paginated list of ERC721 contracts.
ots2_getERC721CountGets the total count of ERC721 contracts.
ots2_getERC1155ListGets a paginated list of ERC1155 contracts.
ots2_getERC1155CountGets the total count of ERC1155 contracts.
ots2_getERC1167ListGets a paginated list of ERC1167 minimal proxy contracts.
ots2_getERC1167CountGets the total count of ERC721 minimal proxy contracts.
ots2_getERC4626ListGets a paginated list of ERC4626 vault contracts.
ots2_getERC4626CountGets the total count of ERC4626 vault contracts.
ots2_getERC1167ImplGets the logical contract associated to an ERC1167 minimal proxy.
ots2_getAddressAttributesGiven an address, returns a summarize list of attributes associated to that address, e.g., is it an ERC20? a minimal proxy?
ots2_getERC20TransferListGets a paginated list of transactions that contain ERC20 transfers from/to a certain address.
ots2_getERC20TransferCountGets the total count of transactions that contain ERC20 transfers from/to a certain address.
ots2_getERC721TransferListGets a paginated list of transactions that contain ERC721 transfers from/to a certain address.
ots2_getERC721TransferCountGets the total count of transactions that contain ERC721 transfers from/to a certain address.
ots2_getERC20HoldingsGiven a certain address, returns all ERC20 that have interacted with it.
ots2_getWithdrawalsList (since alpha 2.1)Gets a paginated list of consensus layer withdrawals to a certain recipient address. Note that 1 block can have multiple withdrawals for the same address, each one is counted individually
ots2_getWithdrawalsCount (since alpha 2.1)Gets the total count of consensus layer withdrawals to a certain recipient address.