Assets Server

Otterscan can make use of several external data sources to give context to on-chain data. The external data sources are served to Otterscan clients at the location given by the assetsURLPrefix config option.

Typically, these assets are served using the otterscan/otterscan-assets Docker image from the otterscan-assets repository. In a development environment, you can use npm run assets-start and npm run assets-stop to run the Docker commands.

Setups requiring custom or private data can serve assets manually following the same structure.

Structure Overview

The asset server serves files in the following folder structure:

  • assets: Contains token logos from
    • [chain_id]: Each subdirectory corresponds to a specific blockchain network, such as Ethereum (1).
  • chains: Chain data from
    • eip155-[chain_id].json
  • signatures: A directory mapping function selectors to function signatures, in the format from
    • Each filename is a 4-byte selector (e.g., a9059cbb), and the file contents are the corresponding function signature (e.g., transfer(address,uint256)).
  • topic0: A directory mapping log topic hashes to event signatures, in the format from
    • Each filename is a 32-byte hash (e.g., ddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef), and the file contents are the corresponding event signature (e.g., Transfer(address indexed from,address indexed to,uint256 value)).

Manually recreating the assets folder structure

You can recreate the assets folder structure and serve it manually.

First, create a new directory and clone all the data repositories into it:

mkdir external-repos
cd external-repos

git clone trustwallet-assets
git clone chains
git clone 4bytes
git clone topic0
cd ..

Create the main assets-server directory:

mkdir assets-contents
cd assets-contents

Set up symbolic links pointing to external data from previously cloned repositories:

ln -s ../external-repos/chains/_data/chains chains
ln -s ../external-repos/4bytes/signatures signatures
ln -s ../external-repos/topic0/with_parameter_names topic0

Set up a symbolic link pointing to the token logos (replace ethereum with the chain name):

mkdir assets
ln -s ../external-repos/trustwallet-assets/blockchains/ethereum/assets ./assets/1

(Optional.) Populate a contracts folder with the Sourcify repository structure and reuse the assets server as a custom Sourcify source.

Spin up HTTP server

In a production environment, use a real HTTP server application, like how the otterscan-assets image uses nginx.

In a development environment, you can use the built-in, single-threaded http.server Python module to serve the current directory:

python3 -m http.server 5175

The assets server will be hosted at http://localhost:5175.